Thursday 13 August 2009 DE PLAYER presents:
8 INCH #2 – MICHAEL MORLEY (a.o. The Dead C + GATE)
limited edition vinyl release + New Zealand artist MICHAEL MORLEY’s first European solo exhibition + video screening + artist-curator conversation + presentation first monographic publication on MORLEY’s work + live program with first ever performance in the Netherlands of GATE / MICHAEL MORLEY– featuring special guests...
opening exhibition: 20:00 hrs. (free)
video screening + conversation: 21:00 (free – limited space, no entry after the screening and talk have started)
live performances: 22:00 (6 euro – limited space, no entry after the performances have started)
The EXHIBITION will remain open for the public on 14, 15, 20, 21 & 22 august 13:00-17:00 hrs.
location: DE PLAYER, Hillelaan 49 D, Rotterdam, The Netherlands next to metro Rijnhaven, free parking, good for bikes
This event is organised by DE PLAYER in collaboration with Roland Groenenboom (curator exhibition + editor monographic publication)